Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Community gardening urban farming

Where human beings exist, there is an associated food market. To the eyes of planners, architects, politicians and investors, to practice agriculture in the city was considered all over the world, and mainly in the previous century, a practice not to be done or to be simply ignored. However the production of local food was always quite popular appearing, frequently, in confined spaces given that those with access to land and water would do it, independently of the political restrictions. Recently, researchers, politicians, urban planners and landscape architects have given it a growing importance – turning a neglected activity, in the last seventy years, in a great potential to create forms of sustainable subsistence.

Urban agriculture always existed. As we know, the first human settlements are located near fertile and arable land to assure a close food source. As cities grew, they were occupying those agricultural lands, necessitating, consequently, of more sources of food.

Lastly, we concluded with the proposal of integrating urban agriculture in a new approach to the landscape design in an urban context, but also in conceptual terms. And, with the presentation of strategies to the development of a sustainable urban agriculture, in order to contribute to a return to the multifunctionality of the landscape, which promotes the existence of a structure of continuous landscape where the recreation, the production and protection should be present and inseparable, thus contributing to urban sustainability.

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