Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The art of getting what you want

A thousand different pieces of advice promise the path to getting what you want, most of which involve overcoming your fear and persevering through setbacks. And in addition to external resistance, we tend to set up a lot of obstacles for ourselves -- imagining what could go wrong or inventing reasons we're incapable of accomplishing a particular goal -- sometimes forgetting that the path to success may be simpler, or less linear, than we realize.

Many successful people in a range of professions advanced their careers and found fulfillment in creative, unorthodox ways. They knew they had what it took, and didn't give naysayers (including the ones inside their own head) the opportunity to tell them otherwise.

Despite the fact that we have all experienced this serendipitous phenomenon to some degree … it seems incredible to believe that ‘merely’ directing our energy towards our deepest desires and focusing our attention on this can help us ‘manifest’ our ideal life. These examples are rare occurrences and I certainly don’t advocate making a passive wish and expecting the rewards to come flooding in. But, a strong intention coupled with sufficient action can make these things happen … Often they don’t manifest because we don’t have the confidence to ask.

Quite simply, when you do allow your brain to be conscious of and focus on what you want in life, the raised awareness that results will work in your favour to automatically bring opportunities into your life. It’s not magic it’s just that you are able to see the possibilities to move forward with your dreams in a way that your brain was hiding from you previously.

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