Thursday, March 26, 2020


Some scholars define politics in their own different ways, some of these scholars and their definitions are as follows.

David Easton defined politics as the as the authoritative allocation by the political system of values for society. Easton, in A Framework for Political Analysis, uses the term "political system" to designate the pattern or system of human inter- actions and relationships in any political society through which authoritative allocations are made and implemented allocations that are binding on all members of the society and are recognized as such by the great majority of the members (Pettegrew) .

Easton defines a society's political system as "those patterns of interaction through which values are allocated for a society and these allocations are accepted as authoritative by most persons in the society most of the time." Allocating society's values and obtaining widespread acceptance within the society of the authoritative, or binding, nature of the allocations, according to Easton, constitute the basic functions of any political society.

Politics is truly one of the greatest developments that mankind has ever had the notion to make.  Can you imagine our lives without?  I really cannot see our lives operating as smoothly without the existence of politics in one form or another.  Almost everything we do in our lives is somehow linked either directly or indirectly to some sort of political ideology.  Whether you are buying a candy bar at the store or negotiating international business mergers, politics has had a hand in it. 

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