Saturday, March 21, 2020

Corona, the way of life

Now a days, people are very much busy in earning money. Most of the time in life they are spending on earning money and at last they will die.
They are not spending time with their loved ones, they realize at the end but it will be too late.
They are giving more preference to money. In countries like India, there are so many festivals where people gather together and celebrate, but political parties are destroying them by creating hatred between religions for their political profits.

Corona is a virus which is creating panic around the world, at the same time it is also teaching the people across the world, how to live.
People started staying at home and spending time with their loved ones by the fear of Corona. People stopped running for money as money cannot help them in curing Corona.

Corona brought back humanity. Brought back people to their creator and to their morals.
It closed down bars, night clubs, brothels, casinos.
It brought down interest rates. Brought families together, stopped lewd behaviour. It has stopped people eating dead and forbidden animals.
So far it has moved one third of military expenditure to health care. It undermines dictators and their powers. Humans are worshipping God rather than progress and technology. It is forcing authorities to look at prisons and prisoners.
It has taught humans how to sneeze, yawn and cough.

Corona virus is now making us to stay at home, living simple lives.
Finally, there is a great lesson in this, for those, who are wise.

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